Largest Locally Owned & Operated Physical Therapy Company in St. Louis
Other Orthopedic Physical Therapy Services
At Advanced Training and Rehab, we provide quality physical and manual therapy services to treat a wide variety of conditions and injuries. From help with personal injury cases and motor vehicle accident injuries, to concussion rehab and assistance with aging concerns, our clinicians will help you through your recovery and treatment journey.
If your physician has referred you for physical therapy treatment, complete our contact form to request an appointment at one of our area locations.
Aging Concerns
As we age, our flexibility, strength, and balance deteriorate, which can lead to pain, limited mobility, and injury. Some may also experience difficulties caused by certain health conditions like arthritis or osteoporosis. Without treatments or regular physical activity, seniors could be at risk for falls and fractures, and ultimately lose the ability to be independent. With regular physical therapy treatment, our clinicians can help improve and restore joint functionality, mobility, strength, and balance to ensure you enjoy a better quality of life.

Vertigo, especially when experienced by the elderly, can be dangerous. The symptoms can cause lightheadedness, nausea, or vomiting, and could result in dangerous falls. This condition can be caused by a variety of things, including changes in medication, stroke, cervical spine issues, Meniere’s disease, and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), also known as “loose crystals.”
When patients experience vertigo caused by BPPV, physical therapy is a safe, effective treatment option for most. By using the Epley Maneuver and other manual techniques, we help the dislodged crystals return to their usual location within the inner ear, ultimately resolving the vertigo symptoms. This treatment may only require one or two visits, but your clinician may recommend more to help restore balance, eye tracking, and other issues caused by inner-ear problems.

Difficulty Walking
Walking is an activity that many of us take for granted, but there’s a complex system at work that allows us to do so comfortably and effectively. When it becomes difficult to walk over time due to pain, stiffness, or instability, it’s almost impossible to go about day-to-day activities independently. Physical therapy and task-oriented motor learning exercises can help you get back to walking comfortably. Your unique treatment plan will be developed by your clinician to focus on what problems may be holding you back. We will help improve your gait, posture, and balance, while working on overall strength to bring back your mobility safely and effectively.

Loss of Balance
Maintaining proper balance, especially as you age, is important to avoid potential injury. Walking and even sitting can become dangerous if you are unable to balance yourself. By using specific exercises, physical therapy can help restore balance for those who may currently have limited mobility, already experienced a fall, or had a stroke or neurological condition. Your clinician will help determine the main source of instability – whether due to visual, inner ear, or nerve problems – and create a specific program with beneficial exercises to safely improve and restore your balance.

Generalized Weakness
Feeling as though your muscles aren’t as strong as they used to be when performing tasks, even when you put in quite a bit of effort? Can you move the muscle, but experience pain when doing so? If you’ve been experiencing loss of muscle coordination, pain, paralysis, twitching, or a pins-and-needles sensation, you probably have generalized muscle weakness. This weakness may be caused by a variety of conditions, from chronic fatigue syndrome to injuries, stroke, prolonged immobilization, or just a result of the natural aging process. With infrequent use, the muscle fibers essentially break down, which is why continued physical activity is so important for seniors.
Working with one of our physical therapists in conjunction with your physician, we will create a customized treatment plan to help you safely restore muscle strength and mobility to keep you independent.

Treatment during Personal Injury Cases
When going through a personal injury lawsuit, it’s important to work with doctors and clinicians who are experienced and detailed during treatment. The last thing you need to worry about is pleasing insurance companies and lawyers while trying to heal. At Advanced Training and Rehab, we work with you to help you recover to your fullest potential from the injury while ensuring your records are thoroughly and accurately maintained for your claim. We regularly update your referring physician during your treatment as well, making your recovery an easy, collaborative effort.

Physical Therapy after a Motor Vehicle Accident
A number of injuries can be caused by motor vehicle accidents ranging from mild to severe, but even the smallest accident can lead to chronic pain without effective treatment. Those who have been in a motor vehicle accident most commonly experience an injury to the head, neck, pelvis, legs, knees, or feet. There can be anything from a sprain or strain to fractures, whiplash, broken ribs, meniscus tears, and more.
Treating your injury with physical therapy after a motor vehicle accident, or including it as part of your healing process, can lead to a fuller recovery, prevent further or worsening damage, and limit your need for prescription pain medications. Our clinicians will help you work to repair bodily damage caused by the accident, allowing you to effectively and safely restore strength and mobility.

Concussion Rehab at Advanced Training and Rehab
Recovering from a concussion is a complicated process that requires careful attention to avoid worsening symptoms or causing permanent damage. Previously, patients were instructed to rest as the best type of recovery, but starting with rest and shifting to therapy services is proving to be quite beneficial. After concussions, patients tend to experience dizziness, headache, poor balance, or coordination, or the lingering effects of whiplash that are ideally treated with physical or manual therapy.
Utilizing controlled exercise combined with manual therapy during concussion rehab has been shown to speed recovery and help eliminate pain. It is vital to work with experienced clinicians during this process as the wrong type of exercise could result in the condition worsening. We are experienced in helping individuals recover from concussions safely and effectively.